Blackcurrant buds CO2 extract 5 ml

  • Blackcurrant buds CO2 extract 5 ml

    Blackcurrant buds CO2 extract 5 ml 

    Juodoji Uoga
  • Product description.

    Blackcurrant buds CO2 extract 5 ml

    Botanical name: ribes nigrum

    Origin: Lithuania

    Plant part: buds

    Process: SK CO2 extraction

    Appearance: Light yellow liquid with a slight green tint. Similar to olive oil at room temperature. As the temperature drops, it becomes thick.

    Aroma: Spicy-fruity-woody but fresh. The fruity base is infused with "cat smell" notes.

    We can send trial samples of blackcurrant bud CO2 extract to interested companies.

    The detailed composition of our SK CO2 Bud Extract is in the following table:

    Composition of black currant buds SCE-CO2 extract, GC area %, (constituents, present at <0.20% are excluded).

    Determined by capillary gas chromatography with MS (identification) and FID (quantification) detectors

    CO2 extraction:

    1. a-Thujene 0.41

    2. a-Pinene 1.04

    3. Sabinene 22,21

    4. b-Pinene 0.62

    5. Myrcene 2.06

    6. d-2-Carene 0.21

    7. a-phellandrene 0.33

    8. d-3-Carene 21.87

    9. a-Terpinene 0.56

    10. Limonene 0.39

    11. b-phellandrene 3.34

    12. Z-b-Ocimene 2.41

    13. E-b-Ocimene 1.61

    14. g-Terpinene 0.36

    15. Z-Sabinene hydrate/m-cresol 0.20

    16. Terpinolene 11.71

    17. E-Sabinene hydrate/Linalool 0.20

    18. E-p-Mentha-2,8-dien-1-ol 0.36

    19. Eucarvone 0.27

    20. Terpinen-4-ol 0.23

    21. a-Terpineol 0.49

    22. Citronellol 0.32

    23. 1,9-Decadiyne 0.19

    24. Bornyl acetate 0.12

    25. α-Terpinyl acetate 0.46

    26. Citronellyl acetate 0.45

    27. b-Elemene 0.83

    28. b-Caryophyllene 7.82

    29. g-Elemene/aromadendrene 0.76

    30. a-Humulene 3.41

    31. allo-Aromadendrene 0.34

    32. Germacrene D 2.40

    33. a-Selinene 1.74

    34. d-Cadinene 0.30

    35. E-Cadina-1,4-diene 0,31

    36. Germacrene D-4-ol 0.29

    37. Spathulenol 0.45

    38. Caryophyllene oxide 3.30

    39. Humulene epoxide II 0.75

    40. tau-Muurolol 0.31